Ten week into pregnancy- Abortion made simpler with the help of Cytotec
School is the primary education that all the children receive before heading further in what they want to specialize in, study aboard and so on. A school is a place where children learn the basic crucks of living. Schools teach everything a child needs to learn in order to succeed. But what about Sex Education?
It has been an important topic to be discussed and kept open in front of this young adolescence as they have a turmoil of questions as they grow up due to hormonal changes and physical changes. Sex education teaches an individual about sexually transmitted diseases, the difference between good and bad touch and most importantly the use of contraceptives to prevent unintended pregnancy. It is thus advised to use contraceptives if you do not plan to become pregnant. A number of medicines are now available to have an abortion if you have become pregnant and do not wish to continue with the pregnancy. One such medicine is Cytotec which contains misoprostol which is preferred by most of the women. You can buy Cytotec online to terminate pregnancy in the first trimester.

Along with abortive property, Cytotec is also used to treat stomach ulcers which are induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This medicine is not to be taken by women who are pregnant and are in the process of conceiving as this medicine can cause a serious birth defect and malformations as this medicine is known to cause uterine contractions. Males can take this medicine for the treatment of stomach ulcers. There can be side effects like nausea or stomach cramps after consumption of Cytotec. It can also cause diarrhea hence the person should have adequate fluids and electrolytes when this medicine is consumed.
The recommended dose of Cytotec is 12 pills of 200mcg each are to be taken in order to have a successful abortion. Initially, 4 pills have to be consumed sublingually and you must allow it to get dissolved completely. Do not eat or drink for about half an hour. Half an hour later 4 more pills have to be taken in the same manner. After 2 doses, 4 more pills have to be consumed after 3 hours interval. After a successful abortion is completed, the women will experience vaginal bleeding. Ultrasonography is advised to be carried out after a successful abortion in order to check that there is no remaining tissue present in the uterus
In case of heavy bleeding or any other allergies which doesn’t come to a standstill, it is advised to visit and consult a gynecologist. If sufficient bleeding doesn’t occur and abortion is not successful, it has to be then carried out surgically in the clinic, it is advised not to have an overdose of this medicine. This medicine is only effective if pregnancy has occurred in the uterus, it does not cause abortion if pregnancy has occurred in the fallopian tube or in the ovary. Hence it is advised to carry out sonography before consuming this medicine to know the type of pregnancy that has occurred