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Mifeprex abortion pill is used get a more comfy abortion at home


Mifeprex is a synthetic steroid that has anti-progestational qualities which has the active ingredients as Mifepristone and the inactive ingredients as colloidal silica anhydrous, microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch, colloidal silica anhydrous and magnesium stearate and povidone. Mifeprex abortion pill inhibits the progesterone hormone right at the progesterone-receptor sites. This pregnancy termination pill also works on the both endogenous as well as exogenous progesterone. Once the progesterone hormone is blocked the pregnancy automatically falls as the fetus stops growing devoid of this hormone. It also antagonizes the endometrial and myometrial effect of the progesterone. This pill also works like the prostaglandins by creating the contractions in the uterine lining.

This Mifeprex pregnancy termination pill also exhibits the property of anti-glucocorticoid and weak anti-androgenic activity which is seen in varied levels.

What are the usage indications of Mifeprex abortion pill?

When this pill is taken for intrauterine activities then your pregnancy days should not be more than 49 days and the pregnancy where your pregnancy date counting should start from the first day of the last menstrual cycle. You have to strictly follow the regime of taking out the IUD device before you take the Mifeprex pill. This is necessary if you have been suspected with the type of pregnancy as ectopic then you should take this abortion pill for termination and better opt for the surgical abortion.

Those women are suffering from the long-term problem of adrenal failure should not take these pills, having any allergy to mifepristone or any of the other inactive ingredients present in this pill should not take these pills. Suffering from any hemorrhagic disorder or suffering from any concurrent anticoagulant therapy.

When to understand the extremities of the abortion?

When you are suffering from extreme bleeding that is you have almost soaked 2 maxi pads in an hour duration or if you are suffering from fever for four hours or more hours up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have are passing blood clots that are bigger than the size of the large lemon. If your condition of diarrhea has worsened then you should visit the doctor at the earliest as this may lessen the water content of the body an may make you feel dehydrated. It is also directed to drink plenty of water so that your body remains hydrated throughout the procedure.

How to tackle if abortion is not completed?

If you do not find the Mifeprex abortion pill enough to terminate your pregnancy you can buy misoprostol pills along when you buy Mifeprex abortion pill online. At least 4 Misoprostol pills can be taken and this way you can confirm your pregnancy as Mifepristone with Misoprostol works well together.

You can confirm your pregnancy termination with the help of an ultrasound only after 14 days as early to this time you may be still diagnosed as pregnant as the endometrial tissue is still thickened and the pregnancy parts have not been expelled out completely. In case if you wish to have a urine test you will have to do it only after 4 weeks as the traces of hCG will still be present in your blood till the 4th week.